eHealth · Summer school

EHealth summer school participants are staying in touch!

About a week has gone by since the ACM SIGCHI/EIT Health summer school in Dublin and Stockholm/Uppsala ended. The eHealth summer school really gave a great learning experience and an opportunity to meet many researchers from similar fields. I miss both the full days of varying activities and the other participants, of course. But as I wrote in my latest blog post about the last day of the summer school, some of the participating Ph.D. students started a new community, which includes all participants and organizers.

The main communication channel for the new eHealth community is Slack and I’m very happy to see that there is already a lot of communication going on there, involving several participants! There are e.g. several hints about important conferences in fields related to eHealth and mHealth, reactions to a published journal and pictures from the summer school. Several of the participants, and the organizers, are also active on Twitter and interact quite a lot with each other’s tweets. Taking part in this ongoing communication among the participants leads me to believe that we will stay in touch for a long time ahead.

As a matter of fact, one of the summer school participants from Italy, Leysan Nurgalieva, will come to Uppsala University and work in our HTO research group for a few months, beginning later this autumn! Christiane Grünloh (who stay in Uppsala this entire week), Åsa Cajander and I spent Monday afternoon with Leysan discussing our respective research interests and possible collaborations. I’m excited about this, but will not write more about it here, since I know that there will be another blog post about Leysan’s visit showing up on our HTO blog soon.

I ended my last blog post stating that it would probably not be the last blog post I would write related to the summer school participants, and it clearly wasn’t! Now I’m positive there will be many more.

eHealth · Summer school

EHealth summer school in Stockholm, day 5!

Sadly enough, this was the last day of the two very rewarding EIT Health/ACM SIGCHI eHealth summer school weeks in Dublin and Stockholm/Uppsala respectively. This day included project presentations (of course) as well as lectures on the importance of movement and on VR solutions for phobic treatment. You can follow these links to reach my posts about the other days in Stockholm and the one in Uppsala:

  1. Day 1 (Intro, action research,…)
  2. Day 2 (Patient accessible electronic health records,…)
  3. Day 3 (Game demoes and workshop,…)
  4. Day 4 (Soma design, sustainable development,…)

You can also find the post about the last day in Dublin (as well as links to posts about the other days in Dublin) here.

This day started off with yet another one of my former colleagues from KTH, Helena Tobiasson. She discussed the importance of movement especially in relation to work. The lecture started out with a very interesting exercise, in which pairs of participants should try to illustrate different movements we make during work or our study time. We were not allowed to talk. This exercise were enlightening in the sense that it became clear that we do very similar movements for many different tasks (quite a few involving working with the laptop on the knees or on a table in front of us). One of the core themes of the talk was that we should consider movement and (non-exercise) physical activity when designing for work, so we don’t end up e.g. sitting on a chair for several hours while working. This is a very good point and it’s related to one of the main focuses of the lecture and Helena’s research in general “movement is part of a sustainable society” (see picture above). Helena also showed some practical examples of e.g. walking meetings, which I really want to try myself. A few years ago I was one of the participants in one of her studies about activity in the office. I should e.g. use a training bike and walk on a treadmill while working on some tasks in parallel. Since then I have actually began working from a training bike every now and then when I work from my home!  🙂

The other lecture focused on VR solutions for phobic treatment. Johan Lundin, Joakim Blendulf and Hedda Nyman from Stockholm county council as well as my former KTH colleague (there have been a lot of those popping up during this week’s activities 🙂 ) Anders Lundström were the speakers. These were a part of a multi-disciplinary group which involved both psychologists, film makers and engineers. The speakers from Stockholm county council presented a pilot study in which they set out to investigate if VR can be as effective as standard cognitive behavioural therapi for treating agoraphobia. They prepared films (360 degrees) of several threatening situations involving large crowded places and let patients experience the scenes through VR glasses. A very interesting application of VR, which we also got the opportunity to test! I hope they will get promising results! The second part of the lecture, which was more of an exercise, was led by Anders Lundström. It was an ideation exercise where we should use PLEX cards to discuss gamification components in relation to our projects. 

The rest of the time this day was devoted to the projects which we started with yesterday. Today, we started off by finalizing the storyboard for our chosen solutions, whereafter we spent a few hours constructing paper prototypes. Towards the end of the prototyping session the ideas were evaluated by a person from another project group. The results from the evaluation should be used to make final adjustments. Our last project task was, of course to present our ideas with the help of our prototypes. All students had really done a great job with the projects and the presentations!

The organizers really did a great job as well with putting together interesting programs for lectures, project work and all sorts of activities in Dublin, Stockholm and Uppsala! After the presentations I was happy to find out that some of the students actually had initiated a new research community (on Slack) to which all participants were invited! There, we can share moments, information about interesting conferences and papers, etc. So, even though the summer school is officially over, I have a strong feeling this will not be the last blog post I write about activities involving summer school participants outside Uppsala University…

design · eHealth · Summer school

EHealth summer school in Stockholm, day 4!

This day of the eHealth summer school contained two lectures and several hours of project work – this was the most project focused day so far. Once again it was a very rewarding day. 

Kristina Höök, an interaction design professor from the department Media Technology and Interaction design where I worked earlier, started off the day by talking about soma design. In the picture above you can see her “Soma design manifesto” which will be discussed in her upcoming book on interaction design. Her talk was very inspiring and focused a lot on movement and how we can design with movement in mind. Several examples of design koncepts based on movement were brought up to discussion and fact is that I have tried some of them at KTH during an open house session a few years ago. One example was a design solution with a lamp which light intensity varied with your breathing – it really made it possible to experience breathing in a different way. Another example was a device you laid down, which generated heat based on pressure. The common theme of all examples was that the developed products give an awareness of the body and how it moves. The lecture also contained a practical exercise in which we should sit down relaxed and focus on the state of different body parts as well as the relation between them. This was a very interesting experience especially when it came to thinking about what mechanisms we use when we start and stop breathing. We can do this in soo many ways, but we hardly ever think about it. It became clear that we are different. Most of us are not really symmetrical, especially not if we experience some kind of pain, and we should design with this in mind. After this lecture I’m really curious about that book!  🙂

The other lecture was held by Elina Eriksson, who is also a former colleague, and from the same department as Kristina. Elina focused on ICT and sustainability and her talk was also very engaging. She started out with a very important and serious subject: what is the state of our planet and where are we going (my own interpretation, not a quote)? We definitely have a problem today – the emissions (especially carbon dioxide) are increasing which in turn causes all sorts of highly problematic chain reactions. We also have a problem with resources – e.g. just recently we passed the world overshoot day and it’s not even autumn yet! This is an important topic to really think hard about, but I will not delve deeper into it here. In the other part of her talk she focused more on sustainable development and gave several intereresting examples. It was especially pointed out that the whole life cycle is of importance – not just the usage of a product. We need to consider how and with which resources products are manufactured. The issues in the production or in waste handling might cost much more, in terms of effect on environment, than the actual usage. This is of course problematic when it comes to computers and phones which are often thrown out way before they actually stop functioning (sometimes due to incompatible new software). The lecture also contained group discussions about e.g. development goals which we were adressing and goals that were conflicting. Those who are interested in this topic (should be everyone!) may also be interested in this earlier blog post about a recent talk by Ulf Danielsson (professor from Uppsala University) about the fragile system we are all part of. 

The rest of the day was devoted to project work, which started today. I will just mention the main steps here. We started with defining clear goals, after which we formulated important questions to answer. We also discussed what is needed for success as well as pitfalls that could lead to failure. The next step was a mapping activity, where we defined all stakeholders, data gathering and other key steps in the design cycle.  The next main task was to choose a small part of the idea mapped out and generate several design ideas based on it (everyone in the project group produced 8 examples under time pressure). Each person than expanded on one of the ideas which was than shown to the entire group. The group than decided what parts from everyone’s solutions that should be a part of the final group design. The last project task today was that we started on a story board. 

The day ended with a nice dinner with the entire group of participants and organizers. 

eHealth · games · Summer school

EHealth summer school in Stockholm, day 3!

As I wrote in earlier blog posts we will spend four days in this week at KTH, Stockholm. We spend those days in the visualization studio. Most of the time we spend at KTH the room will be used to attend lectures and do group work, but this particular day was quite different. Today, we got to try out all sorts of demoes and equipment in the studio as well as 3D-modelling and game development! At the end there was also a short lecture, by interaction designer and professor Jonas Löwgren from Linköping University. He talked about research through design and that e.g. physical artefacts can add something which cannot really be mediated through text and still images. 

The first part of the day was devoted to the demoes, which we tried out after a short walkthrough by Björn Thuresson who is the manager of the studio. I will present some of the games briefly below, without going into technical details. 

In the image above you can see a VR racing car game which is unusual in the way that it requires collaboration. The entire track, as well as a moving indicator showing the car’s position, can be seen on the table top screen. While the program is running, the person sitting in the chair with VR glasses and a steering wheel drives the car while at least one other person gives directions and makes sure that the holes in the track are filled with the square puzzle pieces! 

In the image above you can see another collaborative game. In this game you are controlling a little penguin and the task is to walk around and collect objects in the virtual world. In the world there are lakes (which you can drown in), fields and mountains. The main problem is that most of the objects cannot be reached unless you collaborate with someone who works in the sand box! There is a direct mapping between the topography in the sandbox and the one in the virtual world. If an object is too high up the one controlling the sand box need to start working in order to build up a mountain under the object.  

My last example above shows my colleague from Uppsala University, Ida Löscher, trying to move around in a virtual world (seen on the big screen) collecting objects. The big problem here is that another person can place barriers (in the form of pillars) in the virtual world with the help of a mobile interface, where both the world and player moving around in the world are shown! Once again a multi-user interface, but this time it’s more like a competition. 

These are just a few examples of the many things we got to try out. I really liked the collaborative aspect of the games and I think many interesting research ideas can be born here. All of the games were the result of student projects and I know that some of them have been awarded prices. 

The next part was focused on 3D modelling. Robin Palmberg, a research engineer working in the studio,  introduced the concept whereafter he guided us through a tutorial where we tried out creating a small robot like character in Blender. At the end we could export the code for 3D-printing. The printed robots will be handed out on Friday! I actually understand Blender much better now. 

The last part of the day focused on game development in Unity! We were devided into five different groups in which we focused on different parts of a game. The different parts were:

  1. Physics
  2. Texture and light
  3. Sound
  4. Mechanics
  5. AI

Every group was guided by an expert KTH student! This was a very interesting experience and I really enjoyed seeing the end result which was a combination of the different groups’ work. It was a very hard game, where you should jump between different plarforms but the important thing is that the collaborative effort worked!

DOME · eHealth · Medical Records Online · Summer school

EHealth summer school in Uppsala, day 2!

The second day of this week’s summer school was spent at Uppsala University in Gustavianum – one of the University’s oldest buildings. This was a lecture intense day, with many interesting areas covered and apart from researchers from Uppsala Univeristy, there was also a physician, an IT-strategist and a manager among the speakers!

The first half of this day was focused on patient accessible electronic health records. Benny Eklund, IT strategist at Uppsala county council, started out by discussing some of the highlights from the winding journey towards establishing patient accessible electronic health records in Sweden. Among other things he mentioned important enablers, barriers and success factors. He also brought up the contrast between the medical professionals’ fears and the patients’ overall positive response towards the possibilities that the system can give. Benny also demoed Journalen. 

The next two talks, about the professionals’ perspective and the patients’ perspective, were related to the contrast that Benny brought up. Christiane Grünloh (see picture above) and Åsa Cajander brought up the professionals’ perspective and I presented the patients’ perspective in the form of results from the national patient survey I have been writing about before on this blog. Common issues raised by doctors were e.g. that they see the record as their work tool (primarily for communication among medical professionals, not with patients), that the workflow can be disrupted (patients see results before they do), and that workload increases (more calls, etc.). When it comes to patients the results are a lot more positive regarding attitudes and possibilities. I will write more about results from the survey when those results are published. 

After lunch Birgitta Wallgren, who has had different manager positions at Uppsala University Hospital for years, talked about work with a new surgical planning system. She made several important points and I will only bring up a few here. One of the main points was that you need to know as well as respect the organization structure if you want to make a change, conduct studies, etc. If you just pick someone in the middle of the organization it will not work – you need to locate the right manager. In this case she managed to gather 19 medical professionals at various levels one day a week during 4 months! That is quite impressive! Another point related to the workflow. She emphasised several times that it is of utmost importance to take the workflow into account when designing new systems – this was the first thing they did when they started to work towards the new surgical planning system the talk focused on (they also mapped out the work process they wanted to have – this is not necessarily the same as the current one). Based on the results they started designing a system which was adapted to the target workflow. The 19 medical professionals mentioned above made sure that the team was on the right track. 

The last speaker was Gunnar Enlund, chief physician at Uppsala University Hospital. He discussed practical consequences of IT-systems in an operating theater. One of his first pictures showed (a simplified) chart with available IT-systems and how they depended on each other. That chart was very complex! He also campared the situation long ago (one doctor for each patient) to the situation today (often over 100 medical professionals per patient). This highlights the importance of 1) designing for working teams and 2) designing systems that are usable for different teams in different parts of the care process. He also brought up several examples of how IT-systems can cause stress. One key problem, which was in focus during the end of the talk was that of integration. Quite often the same information needs to be registered in two different systems, since values entered in one system are not automatically copied! This certainly doesn’t save time! They have been working on this issue for quite some time, but they currently don’t have a working solution for the integration problem. 

Before I end this post I also want to mention today’s lunch break which included a guided tour between some of the important buildings close to Gustavianum (like the cathedral and University library) and Gustavianum itself! Unfortunately I could not take an active part in the guiding activity, but my colleagues from Uppsala University presented one builing and two famous Swedes each. It was a very nice and well organized activity!

Action research · eHealth · Summer school

EHealth summer school in Stockholm, day 1!

So, finally it’s here – the first day of the second week of the EIT Health/ACM SIGCHI summer school! This time in Stockholm. Great to meet everyone again! As I wrote in my last blog post about the summer school, we got a few things to prepare in advance (a made up citation of our own work and slides to a Pecha Kucha). Before lunch most of the participants presented their slides (6 slides each, 20 seconds per slide, 20 seconds to switch speaker). Unfortunately, mine could not be included, since I had a computer break down and couldn’t reach the file. Everyone who presented today did a good job and it was very interesting to hear a few things about the others and their research interests. I will try to present my own tomorrow. 

The Pecha Kucha was not the only networking activity this morning. There was also a “speed dating” session, led by Åsa Cajander, where we should discuss a few different topics with other participants (preferably participants we hadn’t talked to a lot or worked with before). Everyone paired up for the first topic, then we formed new pairs for the second one and so on. This was a very good exercise and I remember that we did something very similar at the last DOME consortium meeting in Skövde. 

When it comes to the theoretical part, concentrated to the afternoon and focused mostly on action research, the speakers themselves definitely deserve their own paragraph here. Those in charge of the more theoretical parts were Bengt Sandblad, Jan Gulliksen and Åsa Cajander. Bengt started to work within the areas of HCI and medical informatics about 45 years ago. Jan Gulliksen was his Ph.D. student. Later on Åsa Cajander became Jan’s Ph.D. student. Three generations of HCI research using action research methodology (see blog image above)! Perfectly organized! As I have written earlier Åsa is the supervisor of students among the participants, so there were actually four generations present!

Bengt talked about some of the highlights from his 45 years in the field. It was especially interesting to hear about some of the earliest examples of incorporating computers in healthcare. We have definitely come a long way since the time when each hospital had one (expensive) computer which was often operated by specially trained technicians! But there are still problems with today’s electronic health records. Bengt highlighted that these systems have much more potential than is being used today and that there are too many problems. One interesting result related to this was that a study showed that doctors loose about 56 minutes/day due to bad usability! The lecture also brought up specific examples of success factors as well as pitalls related to the area of medical informatics research. Jan Gulliksen focused more on action research theory and the method as such. Among other things he discussed different problems as well as advantages with the method. The method is obviously heavily debated. 

The discussion around problems and possibilities formed the basis for an exercise led by Åsa Cajander. We were first divided into four groups in which we should prepare arguments supporting one of four viewpoints on action research. The two extremes were that action research is nonsense and that action research is the future of all kinds of research, respectively. The other two were in between these. After a few minutes we then formed new groups including one participant from each of the viewpoint groups. In these groups the members should try to convince each other of their own viewpoint. It was a very interesting exercise which really highlighted the ongoing debate about the method. 

DOME · eHealth · Medical Records Online

About research on patient accessible electronic health records


Last week I wrote a blog post about the second part of the eHealth summer school in Stockholm August 21-25. The second day, spent in Uppsala, will focus a lot on patient accessible electronic health records (PAEHRs) and this is one of the reasons why I will link to some of my key posts on the topic here. Most of the information here is closely linked to the DOME consortium, gathering researchers, focusing on different aspects of PAEHRs, from several Swedish universities. At the end I will also reference some important PAEHR initiatives in other countries.


General information about research on PAEHRs in Sweden

In the blog post Seminar about the history of patient accessible electronic health records in Sweden, some of the early history and background to the Swedish PAEHR system in use today, Journalen, is presented. Among other things, I describe the role Uppsala University has played. The post includes a link to a youtube video, where we see Benny Eklund, one of the main drivers behind the PAEHR implementation in Sweden, present some of the barriers and enablers from the early years.

In the blog post A very successful session about patient accessible electronic health records at Vitalis 2017!, you can find a summary of a presentation organized by the DOME consortium at Vitalis in spring 2017. The presentation gives an overview of the current state of the PAEHR system in Sweden as well as some of the latest research.

In the blog post Interviewed on a podcast!, there is a link to a podcast, administered by Södertörn University, where Åsa Cajander and I discuss some of the research conducted within the DOME consortium as well as some future studies. The interview is in Swedish.

Two times a year the DOME researchers gather at one of the universities represented within the consortium. At these meetings, or DOME conferences, we discuss both research and the consortium as such. The posts A week filled with eHealth-related activities! and Some thoughts about the last DOME consortium meeting in Skövde summarize two of these meetings.


About ongoing studies

For the moment, I lead two studies on the effects of PAEHRs. One of them focuses on doctors and nurses and how their work environment is affected by patients being able to access their own medical records online. Another focus in this study is on how the communication between care professionals and patients has been affected. This observation/interview/survey study, as well as the team behind it, is introduced here: The team behind a new large study on electronic health records in Sweden.

The other study focuses on the patients and their use of and attitudes towards the Swedish PAEHR system Journalen. This large national survey study, as well as the team behind it, is presented here: The team behind a new large patient survey on electronic health records in Sweden!.


Blog posts and research from the patient’s perspective

Since I’m not only an eHealth researcher but also a patient suffering from a chronic rheumatical disease, I have also written a few reflections on the Swedish PAEHR system from the patient’s perspective. I e.g. wrote this blog post after I had been able to see test results in my PAEHR for the first time: Now I can see new test results in my online electronic health record!.

I have also acted as a patient in some conferences. One example of this was a workshop in Oslo, which focused on if electronic access to the health record really was a service for all. Apart from being one of the organizers, I also played the patient in a role play activity. You can read more about this here: Organized a workshop in Oslo!.

Up until today, I have only written one research paper from a patient’s perspective – a workshop paper where I tried to make a case for easily accessible electronic health records. You can read about that contribution, and the very interesting critical incidents workshop, here: My first workshop contribution from a patient’s perspective!   .


PAEHRs in other countries

Sweden is far from the only country where the citizens can make use of a PAEHR system. One of the most known, where patients are invited to read clinical notes, is OpenNotes in the USA. The OpenNotes movement really seems to be a success story, appreciated by both care professionals and patients. You can read more about OpenNotes here and you can also follow @myopennotes on Twitter. Another example, which also seems to be one of the success stories regarding PAEHRs, is myUHN Patient Portal in Canada. Their system is similar to the Swedish system and you can read about it here. You can also follow @myUHNPortal on Twitter.


eHealth · Medical Records Online · Summer school

Preparing for the second week of the eHealth summer school


During the last week of June I wrote a series of blog posts about an eHealth summer school I participated in, together with some colleagues from Uppsala University and KTH as well as several other Ph.D. students and postdocs from around the world. That week of activities, which we spent at Trinity College Dublin, was very well organized and I’m very glad I got the opportunity to be there and experience every part of it. You can read about the content and my experiences of it in these blog posts:

Now, we are approaching the second week of the summer school, which will be held in Stockholm (KTH) and Uppsala (Uppsala University). I’m really excited about getting to meet everyone again and experience a new week filled with interesting lectures and exercises! During the last day of the week in Dublin the organizers of the second week – Jan Gulliksen and Åsa Cajander – presented the plan for the week in Stockholm (you can read a summary of that presentation if you follow the link to Day 5 above). We got two small tasks to work with during the summer:

  1. Come up with a citation of our own work, as a means of illustrating how we want other researchers to cite us.
  2. Prepare a Pecha Kucha (using a template), presenting ourselves as researchers, our research, the citation from 1) and a kind of personal fun fact.

Today, I have been working with those two tasks. Coming up with the citation was certainly not easy, since I have been working in quite a lot of fields. But since everything I do relate to mediated communication and a rather special analysis technique (focusing on how technology affects the means by which we talk to each other) I settled for a citation related to how the methodology I have been using can be applied by others. I will not show the citation here – everything will be revealed during the first day in Stockholm! 🙂

Preparing the Pecha Kucha was also quite hard due to my many research areas. My first idea was to focus entirely on eHealth (since this is an eHealth school), but that would give far from a complete picture of what I’m doing as a researcher. I will instead try to browse through all three of my main areas multimodal communication, eHealth and social media in higher education. I’m really looking forward to see the other participants’ presentations. We will all present just before lunch during the first day in Stockholm.

Preparing the two small tasks mentioned above is not the only thing I need to do before the second week of the summer school starts. During the Tuesday, which we will spend in Uppsala, I will be one of the speakers! I will present and discuss the results from the national patient survey (a short version of that presentation was held at the Vitalis presentation last spring, see this blog post). It will definitely be an interesting experience to be a speaker as well as a participant. Christiane Grünloh, my colleague from KTH, has the same situation – she will, together with Åsa Cajander, present and discuss the professionals’ perspective right before my presentation. During that same day in Uppsala there will also be presentations by medical professionals and other stake holders.

Another thing that was announced the last day in Dublin, during the presentation of the Stockholm week, was that the participants should help deciding what we should do the last two days in Stockholm. Those two days are still blank in the schedule so I guess the content will be revealed during the first day in Stockholm. I’m really looking forward to see what will happen there! Unfortunately, I did not think about it when the ideas for content were collected, but one very interesting activity could be a variant of the critical incident workshop that I wrote about here and here. I really enjoyed that workshop and many interesting ideas came out of it. Anyhow, the presentations and activities during the first three days seem really interesting, so I’m positive we will have two great final Days!

Cognition · conference · Haptics · Multimodality

Preparing submissions for the SweCog 2017 conference, held at Uppsala University!


This week, I’m preparing submissions for this year’s version of the SweCog (Swedish Cognitive Science Society) conference. This conference covers a broad range of topics related to cognitive science. When I participated last year, when the conference was held at Chalmers, Gothenburg, I did not present anything (actually, none of the participants from Uppsala University did), but the situation this year is quite different since Uppsala University is hosting the event!

I really enjoyed last year’s conference much due to the large variety of topics covered and the very interesting keynote lectures. It was also (and still is, I assume) a single track conference, meaning that you will not have to choose which paper session to attend. As I remember there were ten paper presentations in total, three keynote lectures and one poster session during the two days conference. You can read more about my experiences from SweCog 2016 in this blog post, summing up that event. I also wrote summaries from day 1 and day 2.

Since the only thing that’s required is an extended abstract of 1-3 pages (and max 500 words), I’m working on several submissions. A topic that was not covered during last year’s conference was collaboration in multimodal environments and specifically how different combinations of modalities can affect communication between two users solving a task together. Since that is one of my main research interests, I now see my chance to contribute! The deadline for extended abstract submissions to SweCog 2017 is September 4, so there is still a lot of time to write. The conference will be held October 26-27 at Uppsala University. Since registration to the conference is free for SweCog members (membership is also free), I expect to see many of my old KTH colleagues at Uppsala University during the conference days! 😉  You can find more information about the conference here.

Before I started planning for contributions to SweCog 2017, I invited some of my “multimodal colleagues” from KTH to join the writing process. As a result, Emma Frid and I will collaborate on an extended abstract about a follow-up study to the study I present here. Thus, our contribution will focus on how multimodal feedback can affect visual focus when two users are solving a task together in a collaborative virtual environment. Since I have not yet heard from any other colleague, I plan to write another extended abstract on my own, about how multimodal feedback (or rather combinations of visual, haptic and auditory feedback) can affect the means by which users talk to each other while working in collaborative virtual environments. Maybe, I will also throw in a third one about the potential of using haptic guiding functions (see this blog post for an explanation of this concept) in situations where sighted and visually impaired users collaborate.


Climate · Planet Earth

A very inspiring talk by Ulf Danielsson about the fragile system we are part of


A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post about a “summer talk” in Lövstabruk where professor Ingemar Ernberg from Karolinska Institutet talked about what is needed to support a creative academic environment. Yesterday, I visited Lövstabruk again for yet another inspiring talk. This time, Ulf Danielsson, professor of theoretical physics from Uppsala University was the invited guest. His talk focused on the fatal yet in the short term unlikely threats that are at play out there in the dark, in our atmosphere as well as on and inside the surface of our planet. I will bring up some of the main points here, since I believe that the content of the talk is important to everyone.

It quickly became very clear that our planet is very exposed and that we should consider ourselves very lucky to be around at all. Some of the large forces out there, which we can’t really do anything about are:

  • Supernovae – if a star sufficiently close to us (a few 10ths of light years) explodes, our ozone layer could be destroyed and – if it occurs closely enough – our oceans boiled away.
  • Hypernovae (this was a new concept to me) – these are even more powerful than supernovae and apparently send out focused rays. If we are hit by such a ray (not too far from the explosion) all will definitely be over for us.
  • Asteroids, comets… – there are quite a lot of these moving around and they are often crossing the Earth’s orbit (luckily, we are seldom at the intersection point/time).
  • Our sun itself – Ulf referred to the sun as “a giant nuclear plant completely without supervision” :). This pretty much means that there is a constant melt down over there. To top it all off outbursts on the surface of the sun can cause considerable problems for us, especially now when we are so dependent on electronics sensitive to electromagnetic pulses. Also, the radiation from the sun fluctuates and this causes changes between periods with high and low temperatures respectively. We also know that the sun will eventually die, and destroy the life on Earth when it expands in the process, thereby engulfing Mercury, Venus and possibly the Earth.

After a more cosmological beginning, Ulf focused more on the Earth itself. There are obviously large forces in play down here as well. The position of the different continents were brought up as one example. We know that once there was a single continent (Pangea) to begin with. Something obviously broke that land mass apart into differently sized pieces. An especially interesting example was India, which apparently was positioned at the opposite side of the now called Indian Ocean to begin with. That part of land travelled over the ocean, and later got in touch with the other side, so fast that scientists have been able to spot traces on the seafloor from the movement! No similar things are happening now, but we still experience problems with movement between tectonic plates. These activities can, among other things, cause volcanoes to erupt – something that was also brought up as dangerous forces during the talk. Though he did not use the term, he possibly meant supervolcanoes, since ordinary volcanoes erupt now and then without causing large-scale devastation. The lava itself is not the worst part, but rather the ashes that covers the sky preventing sun light, necessary for all photosynthesizing plants, to reach the ground, or acid rain which have been caused by volcanoes in the past. We cannot really do much about any of things as mentioned above, but must remain hoping for the best.

Besides talking about different kinds of threatening scenarios, Ulf also discussed some land marks for the evolution of life on our planet. One part I found especially interesting was the discussion about the birth of the photosynthesis. From the beginning we had methane in our atmosphere, causing the sky to be pink. We didn’t have advanced life on the planet at that point. But when blue-green algae started to show up the photosynthesis and oxygen (which at this point could be considered a dangerous gas) came as a consequence. Most of the oxygen reacted with iron dissolved in the oceans, which in turn caused iron oxide to sink to the seafloor and the heavy mass even continued to move through the bottom towards the core, thus slightly reducing Earth´s inertial momentum and so causing an increase in the Earth’s rotational speed! When there was not more iron to react with, the oxygen molecules began rising to the atmosphere and the sky turned from pink to blue. The rest is, well, history.

In the next part, Ulf talked more about changing temperatures on Earth some of which are due to human activity. One of the most interesting parts here was that India’s “race” over the ocean actually freed up carbon dioxide, causing the climate to be warmer for a period. But that situation changed when the piece of land collided on the other side and started forming the Himalayas – the movement that freed up the carbon dioxide stopped and instead we entered the cool period being sustained until now (although we are currently giving bound carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere at a very worrying rate). Another thing that was brought up regarding reasons for warm and cold periods was that other planets actually affect the Earth’s orbit.

A comparison with temperatures on Mars and Venus also made clear that we are positioned at a very special place in our solar system. The atmosphere on Venus, our closest inner neighbor, is vastly dominated by carbon dioxide causing a huge greenhouse effect – it is extremely hot and impossible for life to survive. The opposite is true on Mars, our closest outer neighbor, where weak gravity makes the atmosphere so thin that the greenhouse effect necessary for life cannot work. We are on a little planet in the middle, having the exact right conditions at least for now. Ulf also showed a picture taken from a space satellite, with stable position on the Sun-Earth connection line, with the Sun right behind, where the “full Moon” was seen covering a part of the “full Earth”. It became clear that we are very close to something grey and largely inhabitable. These comparisons really highlight that we live in a fragile system and Ulf really made the point that we need to think hard about where we are, what we can do with our knowledge about this system and what kind of future we want.

During the discussions after the traditional soup break the human’s role in the changing planet was brought up again. It is obvious that human activity is causing temperatures to rise and the rate is increasing as never before. Ulf thought the worst part of this was the uncertainty – it is very hard to predict the consequences of this. Even if the warming doesn´t cause e.g. drastic changes like mass extinction even minor changes in temperature can obviously cause coastal areas (those now prevailing) to be inhabitable, in turn causing huge floods of climate refugees, paving the way for conflicts and war. The very societies, on which our developed countries are so dependent, are also at risk here and where will those effects leave us? The discussion about the effects of extinction of other species was also brought up. Human activity plays a large role here and even though the extinction of a single species may not cause a catastrophe it is still a means of rendering our very fragile system even more fragile…

As I understand Ulf’s talk was based on his book “Vårt klot så ömkligt litet” (for the moment only in Swedish) which was published last year. I have not read the book, but Birgitta Östlund who organizes the summer talks had. She said that everyone should read the book and she even suggested that it should be mandatory in school. Birgitta has worked with popular adult education for several decades, so when she says something like that one had better take notice. The talk really got me thinking about where I am and what I am a part of and I am very curious about that book now!

The picture for this blog post was taken by me in the mountain range of northernmost Sweden (Abisko) a few years ago and I feel it somehow summarizes what we have been blessed with on this planet. Even though quite a lot seems to be left to chance, we should do what we can to protect the system that can offer us experiences and views like this, right?